Сингл Urizen Society с необычным именем "Дарша"

О тех, кто боролся с фашизмом... и тех, кто нёс его.

20 ноября 2022-го года у Urizen Society вышел сингл, довольно злободневный в условиях ускорившейся фашизации западных "либеральных демократий". На его обложке красуется кириллическая надпись "Дарша" (塔夏, tǎxià). Здесь же изображены девушка и силуэт самолёта, закрывающий ей глаза. Дополняются они строчками призывов к борьбе против нацистов. Боевые сирены в начале песни сразу указывают на тематику песни, и без того ясно обозначенную визуально. Кроме обычной версии песни тут представлена оркестровая аранжировка. Продюсером выступил Joost van den Broe, известный по работе с Epica и Powerwolf.

Теперь по исторической части. Несмотря на упоминание в тексте некоторых исторических деталей (адмирал Владимир Трибуц, Гутуевский остров, Рижский залив, командир Петрович, бой один против пяти) я не нашёл упоминаний о советском асе с таким именем, сражавшемся (в тексте - "он") с фашистами на Миг-3 в ходе боёв 1941-го года и сбитом в столкновении с 5 вражескими истребителями, 4 из которых были также уничтожены им в том же бою.

Не знаю, сколько тут историзма в принципе, но приведу текст как указан в источнике:

"(At the end of this dream, The sound of air-raid sirens was rising and falling in the night air of the forest. Darsha opened his eyes and found himself lying on his bed in the dormitory of the military base on Gutuevsky Island.)
(在這夢的最後,森林的夜空中響起了此起彼伏的防空警報聲。塔夏猛然睜開眼,發現自己正躺在古特耶夫斯科伊島(Гутуевский остров)軍事基地宿舍的床上。)
(His comrade Igor was shaking Darsha's body while telling him that the Nazis had been launching a massive raid from the western side of Russia.)
(Darsha struggled to his feet and hurriedly asked Igor what date it was today. Igor gave him a baffled look and replied that it was the twenty-second day of the bloody June.)
(塔夏掙扎著站起身,連忙問伊戈爾今天是幾月幾號,伊戈爾困惑地看了他一眼,回答道:今天是該死的六月二十二日。 )

(Darsha ran outside the building with Igor while mumbling under his breath: Barbarossa, Barbarossa, Barbarossa.)
(Commander Petrovich found the two men and ordered them to move immediately, accompanying the rest of the pilots to the Gulf of Riga, 450 kilometers away, to support Commander Vladimir Tributs's Baltic fleet by air. The Nazi fleet was trying to attack from the Baltic Sea and capture the Red Army's air defense facilities in the Estonian region.)
(司令官彼得羅維奇找到二人,命令他們立即動身,隨基地其餘飛行員前往四百五十公裡外的里加灣空中支援特里布茨司令(Влади́мир Три́буц)的波羅的海艦隊。南尖艦隊正試圖從波羅的海方向進攻,侵佔紅軍在愛沙尼亞地區的防空設施。)
(Darsha flew a MiG-3 fighter over the Gulf of Riga. On the sea, a Soviet destroyer exploded. Five Bf 109 fighters of the Nazi army began to close in on them, firing at them.)
(塔夏駕駛著米格-3戰機飛至里加灣上空。海面上,一艘蘇軍的驅逐艦爆炸。五架南尖軍隊的Bf 109戰機正向它們逼近,朝它們開火。)
(During the engagement, Igor was surrounded by three Nazi fighters, then his wing caught fire and crashed into the sea.)
(Enraged by this, Darsha shot down two fighters in one fell swoop, and just as he was tracking a third, he was pinned down by two fighters.)
The western demigods are sucking the murk blood,
See— These black dogs are fluttering alas;
The azure stars are falling from the Cancer,
Turning to the flames of the unknown fellas.
In 1941 by the end of June,
The eruptive hawks passed the Gulf of Riga,
Sewing in the cloud are the swarthy mecha.
「燃燒! 」
“Incinerate them all!”
(Barbarossa is the code name for the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and many of its Axis allies during WWII,)
(Starting on Sunday, 22 June 1941.)
(The operation opened up the German-Soviet War for years,)
(With over 30 million killed as a result.)
Soar to the storm for my beloved motherland,
March to the death front under her flag.
Ghosts twined with the severe winter,
Embrace me, (and) be my three folds skins.
In 1941 by the end of June,
The eruptive hawks passed the Gulf of Riga,
Weeping in the cloud are the swarthy zealots,
“Purify them all!”
(At around 03:15 on 22 June 1941, the Axis Powers commenced the invasion of the Soviet Union)
(1941 年 6 月 22 日凌晨,軸心國開始入侵蘇聯。)
(With the bombing of major cities in Soviet-occupied Poland and an artillery barrage on Red Army defences on the entire front.)
(Air-raids were conducted as far as Kronstadt near Leningrad, Ismail in Bessarabia, and Sevastopol in the Crimea.)
(At the end of the day, more than 2,000 Soviet aircraft were destroyed.)
The minions of the Drittes Reich,
The serpents in the sky,
The roaring engines and heatwave,
Death is in front of the windstick.
My friend Igor, ah no—
我的摯友伊戈爾 噢不——
Impaling the falcon with the firm seeds,
His blood is volatilized,
Disorder, the pointer, agravic!
失控 指針 失重
(Just as Darsha brought down the third fighter, his badly damaged MiG-3 began to catch fire.)
(With what strength he had left, he rushed towards one Nazi battleships and die with it.)
(Darsha was wrapped in choking smoke. At that moment—)
(He thought again of the white girl in his dream…)
Hovering in the mountains—
Is the martyr of fire.
I shriek to the ocean and the righteousness,
The circle, the tear,
圓環 眼淚
The suffering beast;
The storm, the light beam,
暴風雨 光束
Rusalky the mermaids.
Я уничтожу твоих наследников!
дьявол притворяется солнцем,
для святого Ленинграда, где живут дети и цари,
為了神聖的列寧格勒 孩童與帝王的居所
Я готов умереть с тобой под морем!
In 1941 by the end of June,
I fall with the swarthy angels.
The apprentice of wind and fire is killing me,
My friend Igor,
I have avenged you.
(увидите войну не в правильном, красивом и блестящем строе, с музыкой и барабанным боем, с развевающимися знаменами и гарцующими генералами, а увидите войну в настоящем ее выражении — в крови, в страданиях, в смерти… — Лев Толстой)
(您在這兒看到的戰爭,不是軍容整齊的隊伍、激昂的軍樂、咚咚的戰鼓、迎風飄揚的旗幟和躍馬前進的將軍,而是戰爭的真實面目——流血、受難、死亡……—— <俄>列夫·托爾斯泰)".